Consulting Company

Creator Overview

B2B Consulting Company Goes From 0 Subscribers to Adding $1M/Yr in 8 Months. 100s of Booked Calls Per Month


Leevi Eerola from Agency Velocity didn’t have a YouTube channel before working with us.

He was starting at 0 subscribers, and all he had at this point was a small Twitter audience of 4,000 followers that he was relying on for all of his leadflow. At this time, Agency Velocity was at €60,000/Month


After 8 months of working with Leevi, Agency Velocity had grown past €140,000/Month, adding over $1M/yr, directly as a result of growing his YouTube channel, with now around 90% of leadflow coming from his YouTube channel.

We also booked 28 sales calls in 48 hours, 411 sales calls in 60 days, had some videos individually generate 6 figures in revenue, and rank #1 in his niche.


The figure above showcases Instantly’s YouTube dashboard within the period of time we have been working with them so far. As you can see they have received around 1 million views, and 13,000 subscribers (YouTube underestimates subscriber growth hence 12k being shown), as well over 6,000 views within the past 48 hours.

The figure above depicts Leevi sending a message in our private youtube slack channel updating me that we booked 28 sales calls from YouTube (YT) in the past 48 hours.

The Results

This figure depicts Leevi’s YouTube video AND YouTube channel ranking right at the top of YouTube search for the term ‘lead generation agency’, which is the biggest search term in his niche (as his niche is the ‘lead generation agency’ niche).

Meet The YouTuber Making $1,000,000/Yr with 3k Subscribers – YouTube

In the interview above, Leevi stated that “we’ll make an extra few million dollars in the next 12 months from YouTube. Before working with you, we were doing around €60k/mo in revenue. Now we’re doing around €140k/mo and we haven’t even been focussing on revenue growth that much so the growth isn’t that accurate to what we could’ve done. I’d say another big impact we’ve had in the past 8 months is that we’ve gone from fully having all of our lead flow come from twitter, to now probably like 70% of it coming from YouTube.”








Creative Strategies

Content & Channel Management

YouTube Strategies

24/7 team Support

Brand Building

Content Distribution 

Thumbnails & video Editing






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